This pretty much sums it up:
A West Texas cowboy was herding his herd in a remote pasture when
suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust cloud towards him. The driver, a
young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie,
leans out the window and asks the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how
many cows and calves you have in your herd,will you give me a calf?"
The cowboy looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his
peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, Why not?"
The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects
it to his AT&T ! cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet,
where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix
on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans
the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and
exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds,
he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed
and the data stored. He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC
connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a
few minutes, receives a response.
Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his
hi-tech,miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the
cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1586 cows and calves."
"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says the
cowboy. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on
amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
Then the cowboy says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly
what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"
The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why
"You're a consultant for the National Democratic Party." says the
"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"
"No guessing required." answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even
though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already
knew, to a question I never asked; and you don't know anything about my
business........ Now give me back my dog."
Military Funeral Protests
No matter what views you may have on the war in Iraq or any other issue that gets you riled up, funerals, especially those of fallen soldiers, are no place for protesting against those issues. It is disheartening to see funerals used as political props both by those on the extreme left such as at the Coretta Scott King funeral or by those on the extreme right as has been done by the church of Fred Phelps. Thanks to the Patriot Guard Riders, some measure of dignity can be restored to soldiers' funerals disrupted by the antics of Phelps's followers. It is sad that groups such as the Riders are needed but at the same time encouraging to see continued support for our soldiers and their families.
More Fallout from the Muhammad Cartoons; Muslims ask for Suppression of Press Freedoms
Watching Fox's Special Report with Brit Hume tonight, I was shocked by the Grapevine segment. About 1:25 minutes into the segment, we learn that the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, is comparing the Muhammad Cartoons to the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11. Not only this, he compares the condition of Muslims in Europe to that of European Jews during World War II. Meeting with Javier Solana, the High Representative of the European Union for Common Foreign and Security Policy, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on February 13, Ihsanoglu also called for changes to European law including the outlawing of blasphemy. It should be noted that the OIC is a representative body of all Muslim nations that is a permanent delegation to the United Nations. Ihsanoglu is not some radical imam; he is considered a respected Islamic scholar and a reformer. Is this the voice of moderate Islam?
Other than the spectacle of Muslims responding to allegations of violence with actual violence, this call for European and Western submission to Islamic law is the most troubling aspect of the "Cartoon Jihad". Among Ihsanoglu's proposals:
America does not conform to Mexican law when Mexicans immigrate to the US. Canada does not conform to Chinese law when Chinese immigrate to Canada. Nor should Europe conform to Islamic law, kowtowing to intolerant Muslim immigrants. Europe has had the grace to take in these immigrants from the hells of the Islamic world; Muslim immigrants should respect the societies among which they live.
Other than the spectacle of Muslims responding to allegations of violence with actual violence, this call for European and Western submission to Islamic law is the most troubling aspect of the "Cartoon Jihad". Among Ihsanoglu's proposals:
- To adopt necessary legislative measures by the EU against Islamophobia through the European Parliament.
- To make joint efforts by the EU and the OIC for the adoption of a Resolution by the United Nations on the lines of existing UN Resolution 60/150 (Combating defamation of religions) which should prohibit defamation of all Prophets and faiths.
- To adopt code of ethics for the European media. The code of ethics should take into account the sensitivities of the Muslims and defamation in any form or manifestation and the core beliefs of the religions including mocking and criticizing Prophets and it should be considered as an ethical offence in the European media code.
- To adopt an International Communication/Media Order by the United Nations defining the freedom of speech with regard to religious symbols.
- To include operative provisions prohibiting blasphemy and defamation as well as incitement to hatred in the text of the resolution on the Statute of the Human Rights Council presently being considered at the UN.
America does not conform to Mexican law when Mexicans immigrate to the US. Canada does not conform to Chinese law when Chinese immigrate to Canada. Nor should Europe conform to Islamic law, kowtowing to intolerant Muslim immigrants. Europe has had the grace to take in these immigrants from the hells of the Islamic world; Muslim immigrants should respect the societies among which they live.
Muslims hack Cartoon websites, send threatening emails
Michelle Malkin has the details. I for one would love to get an email like these, if only for the hilarious Engrish. In any case, there is something seriously wrong with a people that think this is an appropriate response to the cartoons. How ironic that people who object to their religion being depicted as violent respond with violence. But come try that in Texas. Don't these people know that Americans enjoy something called the Second Amendment?
Finally, some sense from a Muslim group
I am glad the Islam-Archiv-Deutschland Central Institute is taking this position. It's about time someone did. Hopefully more Muslim groups will follow suit. I think it would be better if a group leader had attached his name to the statement but the longest journey begins with one step so I'll take this as good news.
It's sad that a religion gets painted with the views and voices of a few, such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I think many Americans and Europeans would certainly welcome more statements such as this from Muslim groups.
It's sad that a religion gets painted with the views and voices of a few, such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I think many Americans and Europeans would certainly welcome more statements such as this from Muslim groups.
Muhammad through the centuries
Just like the statement the Islam "respects all religions", the contention that Islam has always condemned and opposed the depiction of Muhammad is either based on ignorance or lies. Take a look here for Zombietime's Muhammad Image Archive.
Another Muhammad Cartoon
In response to my posts on the Muhammad-cartoon controversy, I received this email from "Muslim":
What was the point of making these pictures of our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
In Islam we dont make pictures of any other prophets. We respect all prophets, Jesus, Moses, Abraham. In our religion, even if you made pictures of these prophets, it would be considered a big sin.
We respect all religions, yet why dont the people who drawed what they did respect ours?
Moreover, why not write about our prophet peace be upon him from true sources? if you really learn about this Prophet, you will see what a mercy he was to mankind.
Where to start? The point of these cartoons was not to insult your beloved prophet. In the Western world, we have a rich tradition of social and political commentary and criticism expressed through satirical and editorial cartoons. In this case, the artists are criticizing several disturbing aspects of the Islamic world. Terrorism in the name of Islam, justified and glorified by millions of Muslims worldwide, is a perfectly legitimate topic to criticize. The fact that terrorists justify their acts with the words of Muhammad means he is a legitimate target of criticism. We have seen the violent reactions to these cartoons. We have seen schoolchildren killed. We have seen people beheaded. We have seen planes flown into buildings. Would Muhammad approve? Or does the religion of peace condemn such outbursts? If so, where is the condemnation? Where are the millions of peaceful Muslims who should be outraged that people do this in the name of their religion? Are they outraged?
Pictures? Muslims are threatening death and slaughter over pictures. They are burning embassies over pictures. Can you see how Westerners may be slightly puzzled or shocked? Artwork depicting humans is considered fairly benign in the Western world. We do have a commandment that says we shall not worship any graven images but I don't think anyone is suggesting a drawing of Muhammad should be worshipped.
I think I'll have to call your bluff on "respect[ing] all religions." Islam has a horrible record regarding the respect of other religions, especially in the modern period. Christians face regular persecution throughout the Arab and Muslim world. Jews are virtual nonentities in Muslim nations and are certainly not allowed to worship openly. It is not Christians that are trying to impose religious law on everyone in northern Nigeria. It is not Christians that are committing genocide in the Sudan. In the Western world, you are free to practice any religion you see fit, be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Wicca, or Scientology. You can have any nutjob beliefs you want and try to convince others of their divine inspiration as well. The Islamic world does not extend the same courtesy to any others. Until that happens, any suggestion that Islam respects all religions is either laughable ignorance or an outright lie.
Muhammad may have been a wonderful man but as long as Muslims eagerly kill people in his name, Westerners will have a hard time believing that. Islam has made many contributions to world civilization in the past. Unfortunately, it seems to have become stagnant over the last several hundred years. One of the strengths of Christianity, Judaism, and Western society in general is an ability to question and criticize ourselves. For those that believe in God, that can often strengthen our faith. For everyone, that can lead to a better society. We do not see the same thing in Islam.
The galling hypocrisy shown in the photos of the protest outside the Danish embassy in London is that while Muslims are free to protest and even condemn their governments in the Western world, they could never do the same thing in the Islamic world.
What was the point of making these pictures of our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
In Islam we dont make pictures of any other prophets. We respect all prophets, Jesus, Moses, Abraham. In our religion, even if you made pictures of these prophets, it would be considered a big sin.
We respect all religions, yet why dont the people who drawed what they did respect ours?
Moreover, why not write about our prophet peace be upon him from true sources? if you really learn about this Prophet, you will see what a mercy he was to mankind.
Where to start? The point of these cartoons was not to insult your beloved prophet. In the Western world, we have a rich tradition of social and political commentary and criticism expressed through satirical and editorial cartoons. In this case, the artists are criticizing several disturbing aspects of the Islamic world. Terrorism in the name of Islam, justified and glorified by millions of Muslims worldwide, is a perfectly legitimate topic to criticize. The fact that terrorists justify their acts with the words of Muhammad means he is a legitimate target of criticism. We have seen the violent reactions to these cartoons. We have seen schoolchildren killed. We have seen people beheaded. We have seen planes flown into buildings. Would Muhammad approve? Or does the religion of peace condemn such outbursts? If so, where is the condemnation? Where are the millions of peaceful Muslims who should be outraged that people do this in the name of their religion? Are they outraged?
Pictures? Muslims are threatening death and slaughter over pictures. They are burning embassies over pictures. Can you see how Westerners may be slightly puzzled or shocked? Artwork depicting humans is considered fairly benign in the Western world. We do have a commandment that says we shall not worship any graven images but I don't think anyone is suggesting a drawing of Muhammad should be worshipped.
I think I'll have to call your bluff on "respect[ing] all religions." Islam has a horrible record regarding the respect of other religions, especially in the modern period. Christians face regular persecution throughout the Arab and Muslim world. Jews are virtual nonentities in Muslim nations and are certainly not allowed to worship openly. It is not Christians that are trying to impose religious law on everyone in northern Nigeria. It is not Christians that are committing genocide in the Sudan. In the Western world, you are free to practice any religion you see fit, be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Wicca, or Scientology. You can have any nutjob beliefs you want and try to convince others of their divine inspiration as well. The Islamic world does not extend the same courtesy to any others. Until that happens, any suggestion that Islam respects all religions is either laughable ignorance or an outright lie.
Muhammad may have been a wonderful man but as long as Muslims eagerly kill people in his name, Westerners will have a hard time believing that. Islam has made many contributions to world civilization in the past. Unfortunately, it seems to have become stagnant over the last several hundred years. One of the strengths of Christianity, Judaism, and Western society in general is an ability to question and criticize ourselves. For those that believe in God, that can often strengthen our faith. For everyone, that can lead to a better society. We do not see the same thing in Islam.
The galling hypocrisy shown in the photos of the protest outside the Danish embassy in London is that while Muslims are free to protest and even condemn their governments in the Western world, they could never do the same thing in the Islamic world.
The Controversial Cartoons
Abu Bombza
For more complete coverage of the Muhammad-cartoon controversy, I would suggest checking out Michelle Malkin's site. Neil Boortz also has a good column on the subject.
Julian Bond, Race-Baiting Huckster
In a speech last night NAACP Chairman Julian Bond compared Republicans to Nazis and called Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell "token" blacks. He once again compared Republican policies to the Taliban continuing a theme he's expounded on since the beginning of the Bush administration. Along with demeaning those who suffered under Nazi Germany or Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, Bond also continues to make the case that Republicans should not take black "leadership" in America very seriously. The "Nazi", "Taliban", and "token" rhetoric only further diminishes any interest Republicans may have in whatever points "civil rights" organizations are trying to explain. You want to have a dialogue with a Republican? Good luck if you start off by calling him a Nazi.
Furthermore, calling Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell "tokens" is a sign of willful ignorance, incompetence, or an unskillful attempt at labeling them as race-traitors. I think we can assume that Bond did not rise to NAACP Chairman through ignorance or incompetence so it must be something else. The main point that lies behind Bond's assertion is that any black American that does not adhere to the Democratic or NAACP line is a traitor to the black race and a willing pawn of racist Republicans. Without going into why the Republican agenda is not racist (which would take much more space and time than I care to take right now), Bond also ignores the approach that President Bush has had toward minorities in his administration. Not only has Bush appointed more minorities and women to federal positions, he has appointed more to more significant positions than any of his predecessors, including President Clinton. Officials such as Rice, Powell, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales were not chosen because they were minorities, they were chosen because they were highly qualified individuals who share a common political philosophy with the President.
Chairman Bond is simply upset that any black would dare to disagree with the NAACP. Were the NAACP to foster discussion between blacks of differing political persuasions, black Americans would exercise much more political power in the United States. As it is today, civil rights "leaders" such as Bond, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson have much vested interest in keeping the vast majority of blacks in the pocket of the Democrats. The party keeping blacks on the plantation is the one that takes 90% of the black vote for granted.
Furthermore, calling Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell "tokens" is a sign of willful ignorance, incompetence, or an unskillful attempt at labeling them as race-traitors. I think we can assume that Bond did not rise to NAACP Chairman through ignorance or incompetence so it must be something else. The main point that lies behind Bond's assertion is that any black American that does not adhere to the Democratic or NAACP line is a traitor to the black race and a willing pawn of racist Republicans. Without going into why the Republican agenda is not racist (which would take much more space and time than I care to take right now), Bond also ignores the approach that President Bush has had toward minorities in his administration. Not only has Bush appointed more minorities and women to federal positions, he has appointed more to more significant positions than any of his predecessors, including President Clinton. Officials such as Rice, Powell, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales were not chosen because they were minorities, they were chosen because they were highly qualified individuals who share a common political philosophy with the President.
Chairman Bond is simply upset that any black would dare to disagree with the NAACP. Were the NAACP to foster discussion between blacks of differing political persuasions, black Americans would exercise much more political power in the United States. As it is today, civil rights "leaders" such as Bond, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson have much vested interest in keeping the vast majority of blacks in the pocket of the Democrats. The party keeping blacks on the plantation is the one that takes 90% of the black vote for granted.
More on Muhammad
Praise Allah that some people in Europe are willing to stand up to Muslim reactionary pressure. Our rights to express satire and criticism (in the case the most explicit being the drawing of Muhammad wearing a bomb as a turban) cannot be sacrificed on the altar of religious sensitivities, especially those of a religion that is intolerant of others. As Germany's Die Welt says, "There is no right to be shielded from satire in the West." There shouldn't be in the East either.
To see the cartoons that have caused such outrage, click here.
To see the cartoons that have caused such outrage, click here.
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