
Lynch the Marines!!!

Ralph Peters is not happy with the media, Democrats, our generals, or the President. Neither am I. Someone needs to stand up for our soldiers and Marines and our so-called leaders are doing a pathetic job of it.


Saddam Defense Attorney Abducted, Killed...

Via BBC.

When I first saw the headline, I had hoped it was Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General and Dictator Defender Extraordinaire. But I doubt he spends much time in Baghdad.

I do feel sorry for Mr. Obeidi's family though.


Back to Hadji Girl...

Apparently after being subjected to media and official harassment, Marine Corporal Joshua Belile has apologized for his song "Hadji Girl". Karen Zautyk, in the New York Daily News reiterates the point that there's nothing wrong with our soldiers responding to the stresses they are put under in combat with humor, dark or otherwise.

This is one apology I would love to see retracted.

For more comprehensive coverage see Michelle Malkin's Military Musical Double Standard.


Quote for the day...

...from Thomas Sowell.

"The beauty of doing nothing is that you can do it perfectly. Only when you do something is it almost impossible to do it without mistakes. Therefore people who are contributing nothing to society except their constant criticisms can feel both intellectually and morally superior."

Hitler Quotes

A high school in New York state is upset two senior chose quotes from Hitler's Mein Kampf for their senior quotes. Supposedly the high school's administration is even considering whether or not these students should be punished. Let me say unequivocally that they should not be.

First and foremost these students have a right to free speech and if a school publication solicits these students' personal maxims, it has no right to punish them for their choice.

The first maxim mentioned in the article, "Strength lies not in defense, but in attack", is nothing more than a rephrasing of "the best defense is a good offense". Hitler said it? So what? This is a problem with too many debates today. Someone of dubious character (or in this case, no character at all) is sympathetic to a similar position so now it's automatically disqualified from any serious consideration. Time and time again, one will find that the saying "strength lies not in defense, but in attack" has historical validity.

The second quote, "The great masses of people...will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one", is historically true as well. Witness the masses that suffered under the lies of socialism and communism throughout the twentieth century and continue to suffer under the regimes of the People's Republic of China, Cuba, and North Korea.

The origin of the quotations do not diminish their accuracy, no matter how evil the source.

CAIR Craps its Pants....

The PC police seek to deny our soldiers and Marines a sense of humor.

Get over it!

Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines have to deal everyday with a hostile civilian population that cannot be consistently counted on to look after the safety and well-being of our own troops, not to mention the Iraqi forces. If our guys seek to find some kind of comedic relief in a ridiculous song, so what? I say let them have their fun.


Gay Marriage

Charles Krauthammer has a column on the subject out today. I agree with most of his points. It seems ridiculous to me to have an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America on an issue such as marriage - gay, straight, or whatever. Should there also be an amendment lowering the national speed limit to 55 mph? Or banning the sale of cigarettes? No. The purpose of the Constitution is to guarantee to the people certain rights and priveleges and to prevent incursions on those rights by the government. It should not be used to enshrine or prevent whatever concept is trendy or fashionable at the time.

Personally, I have no problem with the concept of "civil unions". I don't think it would cause an implosion of the republic to allow a person to designate another as his or her legal beneficiary whatever the other person's sex may be. This can be done in a regulated way, requiring applicants to meet whatever standards are deemed legally necessary. The larger problem that I see is that of the government performing a religious sacrament, marriage, in the first place. Should the government also conduct the Eucharist? Or issue five daily calls to prayer? No. That is and should be the domain of religious institutions.

Intelligence Problems

The media demands the public has a right to know. Intelligence officials need to brag to satisfy their egos. Neither pay any attention to operational security and it ends up hurting our efforts in Iraq and elsewhere.

Those Democrats are such Clean Campaigners...

...Yep, it's the Republicans that are all Mean-Spirited

Dog feces? Are we in junior high? Apparently, the Democrats think so.


Ding Dong! Zarqawi's Dead!!!

Looks like for real this time.

Michelle Malkin.
Houston Chronicle (from AP).

I hope and pray that the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will make Iraqis' opportunities for a peaceful and decent society more likely and quicker to happen. We can only hope Osama bin Laden suffers the same fate soon.


More on Global Warming

Stop. Freaking. Out. Al Gore is taking the issue way too serial. Super serial.

The hysteria about "global warming" really annoys me. As always, College Republicans are doing their best to piss off campus liberals.