

I admittedly take a dim view of most Democratic politicians, but in the wake of John Kerry's comments yesterday, and his pathetic attempt to justify them today, my opinion of Democrats could charitably be described as "disgusted" or "loathing."

For anyone who doesn't know, Kerry said yesterday to a group of students that if they worked hard, studied hard, and did their homework, they could do well in life. If not, they could end up getting stuck in Iraq.

When I first heard about these remarks this morning, I was willing to believe Kerry had been misunderstood, misquoted, or somehow had his words taken out of context. That was before I watched his televised response damning those who had the gall to question his words. His angry outburst included this indignant gem:

"It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."

A few points:

First, it seems directly quoting a politician's words is only considered a lie when that politician is a Democrat who now wishes he had not said those words.

Second, Senator Kerry's service nearly forty years ago in no way makes him immune to criticism now. It disgusts me that a man who last wore a uniform in 1970 now hides behind that uniform as a justification to say whatever he wants. It seems to me that after a career of working against the security interests of the United States and after slandering fellow servicemembers as Kerry did before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971, one negates any debt of gratitude the country may owe.

Third, this outburst is highly indicative of Kerry's and most Democrats' true feeling towards our servicemembers and the general disregard towards all things military. Not only does Kerry question the motivation of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines serving in uniform, he dismisses that service as equivalent to a dead-end job suitable to high school dropouts. It is characteristic of a disgusting elitism that disdains patriotism and looks down on those who choose a life of service to their country.

Democrats insult our soldiers, insult their efforts overseas, and then insult Americans by blaming "Republican hacks" for criticizing the insults.

Senator Kerry, as a soldier who served in Iraq and as a student preparing for a further career as an officer, let me state unequivocally that it is you, not President Bush, who should be ashamed and it is you who owe American soldiers an apology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so fucking awesome, Coleman. Thanks for writing this.