
Free Speech in the Land of Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite

The French government is prosecuting film star Brigitte Bardot for the fifth time on charges of "inciting racial hatred" for comments she made last year decrying the Muslim practice of ritually slaughtering animals to commemorate the feast of Eid al-Adha, a remembrance of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to God.

Nevermind that Bardot has been an animal-rights activist for years. Nevermind that it is her sincere belief that violence toward any animal is wrong. Nevermind that in Western Civilization free speech is supposed to be a right considered virtually inviolable. Muslims are offended. Throw out our laws and submit to their will.

Islam has a word for this type of submission. It is dhimmitude. And it is a word Europeans and Americans should learn well.

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